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old engagement ring mysteriously links families of young sweethearts separated as
they flee France❤
One Ring
to Find
them all ...
One Ring
to Guide
them all.
Ring to
Bring them all ... and as Soul❤Mates
Bind them!
We instinctively felt an unusually strong bond from 1st meeting in Africa, 21Dec'71 at 15&16. Many call that
"being Soul mates" without thinking deeply about
what that means. We finally understand more about this common
phenomenon, though we needed to
solve an intriguing 3 century old mystery
first! I
learned how an heirloom "Silver"
& Amethyst engagement ring given to a young girl in France
(early 1700's) linked the lives of at least 4 people; 2 young sweethearts
in grave danger in France, forced to flee for their lives; later, 2 teen sweethearts in 1970's Africa, for whom the ring
(iconically) may become a wedding ring? It's
an adventure, starting with young French soul-mates, born around 1687-1689
in France, who are forcibly separated; His family flee to Africa,
the W. Cape; hers to England. 150y later her direct
descendents arrived in Africa! Their direct French descendents,
meet in Africa, 3 centuries later. Two soul-mates reunite!
The story then shifts to N. America (1979) and finally to
Panama (2006)


Elizabeth (Jennifer
in real-life) shown below with her son Jonathan, the author of books

Elizabeth (above) is still
the ring's guardian! The original old oil painting (below) belongs to Nicholas, kept in the master bedroom;
both constant
reminders of the tenuous, but enduring nature of true-love, which
though it's embodied in two persons, if unrequited, lives on long after
them, patiently waiting, trying to find the happy ending
that's long been eluding it - only now needing their surrogates to do
