I've got to tell you, honestly, we all shared a dream, to build an
OLYMPIC quality Low-Carb team, train hard, compete hard and
AURUM GROUP � Past, Present and Future Alumni (Low-Carbing among Friends, authors & contributors) Jennifer Eloff (By Jimmy Moore) The Low-Carbing Among Friends series was partly Jennifer�s brainchild - born during a tea/coffee date with her husband, a member of the XV Winter Olympics organizing committee (Jamaican Bobsled team). Listening to her talk about yet another low-carb cookbook, he calmly said: �Are 7 not enough Jen? 3 National Best Sellers not enough? I�d rather you form an Olympic-style team of low-carbers, of key players and rising stars, and together have fun! Help pull the low-carbing community together at a time when it�s showing signs of splintering. Together, a team stands a much better chance of doing that!� Jennifer is simply a delightful woman who has been on her own low-carb journey since 1999. She wrote a series of cookbooks designed for diabetics and low-carb dieters called Splendid Low-Carbing. Then she realized that low-carbing could be tweaked a little more by removing gluten from the diet. It was the missing piece of the puzzle. It�s helped her husband control his blood pressure and helped many others to control Type-2 Diabetes, many going into remission! You can tell she�s passionate about low-carbing. Visit her blog at: www.low-carb-news.blogspot.com. Jen appears in all of the volumes of Low-Carbing Among Friends and she�s the editor. Jen�s chief strength is Food Chemistry and she has many famous low-carb recipes that many people use and rave about often without even realizing it. Jennifer undertook a bold experiment 20 years ago and removed 90% plus of sugar and high-fructose corn syrups from her family�s diet - with astounding health results! See her �Splendid Low-Carbing� best-sellers at: http://www.Low-Carb.us Kent Altena (By Jimmy Moore) In 2004, Kent weighed over 400 lbs and decided on the prodding of his brother to give the Atkins diet a try as a means for improving his weight and health. This Des Moines, IA-based man went on to lose an astounding 200 lbs and discovered a newfound love for running marathons. You may have seen Kent in his very popular YouTube video series under the name "bowulf", where he regularly shares Atkins diet tips and delicious recipes (like the ones he provided in Low-Carbing Among Friends, Volume-1). Stay up-to-date on all that Kent is up to at www.atkinsdietgeek.com. Kent�s an author in vol-1. He is set to appear with the Low-Carbing Among Friends� team again, in volume-3 and others. Judy Barnes Baker (By Jimmy Moore) One of the stalwarts of the low-carb community joining the team in Vol-3, Judy is one who simply wanted to help others in their own low-carb journey. This soft-spoken woman was quite methodical at putting together recipes that her husband would eat when she released her 2007 book Carb Wars: Sugar Is The New Fat. Soon thereafter, Judy was attending a conference where a representative of the American Diabetes Association invited her to write an official diabetes cookbook for the ADA. Over the next 2 years of writing the recipes for that book which were the high-fat, low-carb ones she is known for, a series of events made the project less and less likely to actually go to print. They demanded she lower the fat and salt content and add in more whole grains and fat-free dairy. She refused and walked away from a lucrative book deal. That principled stand did not go unnoticed by those of us in the low-carb blogosphere who hailed her courage for standing up for what was right. She released the book the ADA rejected called Nourished: A Cookbook for Health, Weight Loss, and Metabolic Balance in 2012. Learn more about Judy�s passion at: www.carbwarscookbook.com. Dr. Robert Su (By Jimmy Moore) An anesthesiologist & pain management expert, Dr. Robert Su (Pharm.B., M.D.) became so frustrated with his inability to properly maintain his weight that he decided to give low-carb living a try beginning in October 2002. He gave up sugar and starch, including eventually giving up his beloved rice which was a staple of his diet growing up in Taiwan. Predictably, Dr. Su lost weight and gained such robust health that he knew he was going to have to share this information! In 2009 he published a book with a controversial title called Carbohydrates Can Kill and soon thereafter created an excellent interview-based iTunes podcast by the same name. He�s a strong advocate for low-carb living! See: www.carbohydratescankill.com Dr. Su is also a contributor in volume-1. Dr. Steve Parker (By Jimmy Moore) Dr. Steve Parker (M.D.) is a leading medical expert on the Mediterranean diet and creator of the world�s first low-carb Mediterranean diet. He has 3 decades� experience practicing Internal Medicine and counseling on effective weight-loss strategies. Dr. Parker is the author of �The Advanced Mediterranean Diet: Lose Weight, Feel Better, Live Longer (2nd edition)�, �Conquer Diabetes and Prediabetes: The Low-Carb Mediterranean Diet,� and �KMD: Ketogenic Mediterranean Diet.� Dr. Parker�s BLOG is: AdvancedMediterranean.com Read more at: Diabetic Mediterranean Diet DiabeticMediterraneanDiet.com and for Paleo Diabetic, at: PaleoDiabetic.com. Dr. Parker is in Vol-1 & Vol-2. Maria Emmerich (By Jimmy Moore) Maria Emmerich is a wellness expert in nutrition and exercise physiology. She shares a passion for helping others reach their goals of optimal health. She struggled with her weight throughout childhood and decided enough was enough. She decided to study health and wellness so she could help others stop wasting their time being discouraged with their outward appearance and not feeling their best mentally. She has a wonderful, informative blog with innovative recipes at: www.mariahealth.blogspot.com she shares delicious healthy foods mimicking old favorites. She�s written several books: Nutritious and Delicious; Art of Eating Healthy: Sweets; Art of Eating Healthy: Kids; Secrets to a Healthy Metabolism and Secrets to Controlling Your Cravings, Weight and Mood. Lisa Marshall (By Jimmy Moore) Lisa Marshall enjoys taking care of her husband and 3 sons and keeping them happy and healthy. She has always been super-organized, developing a meal planning strategy that kept her kitchen stocked with delicious home cooking for 3 meals a day, seven days a week! When her husband, John, developed diabetes, she adapted the shortcuts she already used to low-carb cooking. Now the 24/7 Diner system was even more valuable and the low-carb diet has been successful in keeping her husband�s blood sugar in the normal range � for almost 6 years now. She�s written her own e-book of her Diner system, �24/7 Low Carb Diner.� The book shares her menu planning secrets, cooking methods and favorite recipes. You can find her blog at: 247lowcarbdiner.blogspot.com. She also has a monthly newsletter and you can sign up for the newsletter at her website: www.247lowcarbdiner.com Lisa is an author in Vol-1 and Vol-2. Ginny Larsen (By Jimmy Moore) Weight was never a real issue for Ginny, but one day her �healthy� low-fat, high-carb diet started failing her and she gained about 30 lbs. While having unrelated tests � they diagnosed her diabetes. She went low-carb very reluctantly, and lost the 30 lbs, but mourned the loss of her old comfort foods. Ginny decided to take her favorite comfort foods and convert them to low-carb. Then Ginny discovered she was allergic to wheat and so now she is also gluten-free. �I no longer feel deprived or sad about my diet! I am not mourning all the food I cannot eat, but am thankful for the abundant good, healthy food I can eat and enjoy, as well as all the people I have to share it with! Half of the enjoyment of good food is in the sharing of it,� says Ginny. Ginny also has many videos wherein she demonstrates her recipes. See: www.Ginnyslowcarbkitchen.blogspot.com/ Jonathan Eloff Jonathan, an author in his own right, is joining his mom, Jennifer in this volume and in vol-3 in the �Jen and Jon� section. He is learning the ropes of the publishing business. Jonathan also designs the covers of the cookbooks, besides assisting in getting the cookbooks ready for print and working on the website. Find out more about Jonathan and his books, a series of novels, �Africa�s Snow White� based on a true story at: http://jonathaneloff.com/ He is writing 2 more books to complete the series and one of those is almost ready. Carolyn Ketchum (By Jimmy Moore) Carolyn said that she didn�t choose the low-carb lifestyle; it chose her (and pretty much against her will) when she was diagnosed with diabetes. She mourned the loss of being able to cook and bake as she had always done, but then started searching the internet to learn the ropes of low-carb cooking and baking. She soon found that she has a wonderful talent for developing low-carb, sugar-free, gluten-free recipes. Her popular blog is: www.alldayidreamaboutfood.com. Carolyn is an author in volume-1, and may join us again in future volumes. Dr. John Briffa (By Jimmy Moore) One of the most prominent voices for low-carb nutrition in the UK, is naturally-oriented physician, author, podcaster and speaker, Dr. John Briffa. His work is dedicated to providing honest, trustworthy holistic health advice. Dr. Briffa mixes a healthy dose of scientific research with 20 years of clinical experience and plenty of common sense. He�s a former columnist for the Daily Mail and the Observer, and is a regular contributor to newspapers and magazines. He�s the author of several books that show us how to improve overall health and well-being, including Waist Disposal: the Ultimate Fat Loss Manual for Men and his 2012 release Escape the Diet Trap. See: www.drbriffa.com. Dr. Briffa is also a contributor in Low-Carbing Among Friends, volume-1. Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt (By Jimmy Moore) The #1 low-carb blog isn't in English, but in Swedish! A family physician in Sweden, Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, author of �Kostdoktorn" blog released it in English in 2011, called "Diet Doctor." He regularly attends and speaks at medical and health conferences in the USA. See his best selling book, Matrevolutionen and more at: www.dietdoctor.com. Dr. Eenfeldt contributed to vol-1. Jimmy Moore (written by the publisher) There�s NOBODY in the Low-Carb world who has not heard about Jimmy! If there is any new development in Low-Carbing, Jimmy�s right on top of it! He brings us in-depth news and information on anything that affects our way of life! His track record in this regard, has earned him the right to be regarded as the �Commander-in-chief� of the low-carb information world, and it is for exactly this reason that we�ve asked Jimmy to give a �State of the Union� address here, on the past, present and future state of the low-carbing world. We were all in shock when Dr. Atkins accidentally died � suddenly our chief spokesperson was gone. Those were indeed dark days! As we scrambled around, in the dark, with even publishers refusing any new low-carb books, and the low-fatters making so much fun of us � a leaderless bunch; some of us kept the faith. One of us, more than any other, rose to the top, steadfastly working to get the �good news� out to a shattered community. Jimmy needs not only our respect, but our support in his work � and a MEDAL for extreme bravery in the face of looming defeat! Jimmy Moore has appeared in Vol-1 and now also in Vol-2 and is scheduled to be a cookbook author in Vol-3. We hope he will stick with this fun team (doing what we know best) and grow TEAM LOW-CARB�s unity! Dana Carpender (By Jimmy Moore) Almost all low-carbers know Dana Carpender. Dana changed her life when she switched over to a low-carb diet and decided to self-publish a book about it called How I Gave Up My Low Fat Diet and Lost 40 Pounds. The book sold so quickly that she got picked up by Fair Winds Press who published her national bestseller 500 Low-Carb Recipes (Jennifer is one of the featured authors in it) and many other low-carb oriented books that, in total, sold more than 1 million copies. Learn more about her low-carb crusade at www.holdthetoast.com.
DISCLAIMER: Any diet cookbook discusses Health issues by it's very nature, but with respect to any health related opinions you may encounter in our Books, Websites, Facebooks or Blogs, PLEASE DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH and/or consult a Doctor, of your choosing, as per usual. If this is unacceptable to you, then please do not buy our Books or patronize our Websites, Blogs or Facebook pages as what we offer in all of these are well intentioned opinions only not personalized medical/health advise for you, your family or friends/others! |