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Jimmy Moore
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Jimmy Moore quickly became an overnight Internet sensation following
his incredible triple-digit low-carb weight loss success in 2004.
From his relentless work on the top-rated �Livin� La Vida Low-Carb�
blog which has garnered in excess of 4 million visitors since 2005
as one the top diet and health web sites online today to the
literally hundreds of highly-respected guests who have appeared on
his up-and-coming Top 20 Fitness and Nutrition iTunes podcast �The
Livin� La Vida Low-Carb Show with Jimmy Moore� since 2006, Jimmy is
a steady voice of reason in an ever-increasing sea of diet insanity.
His self-published debut book about his low-carb weight loss success
Livin� La Vida Low-Carb: My Journey From Flabby Fat To Sensationally
Skinny In One Year released in 2005. Jimmy lives in Spartanburg,
South Carolina with his beautiful and devoted wife Christine.
Jimmy's story and his great advice, can be found inside "Low-Carbing
Among Friends", at the beginning of the book! Jimmy's Low-Carb
show recently celebrated it's 500th episode and for that show,
Jennifer was one of the guests, as was Dana. Congratulations Jimmy!
Because of that accomplishment, we chose Jimmy to uncover for his
listeners (he does not know this much yet, but he will figure it
out) the mystery behind this book - there is a special significance
to why this international team of 11 key Low-Carbers was formed, and
when this book is being released.
Tune in to his show to solve the
mystery! We are glad to have him be part of this team! |
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