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Steve Parker, M.D.

Dr. Steve Parker (M.D.) is a leading
medical expert on the Mediterranean diet. He is an internist and
author of �Conquer Diabetes and Prediabetes: The Low-Carb
Mediterranean Diet� and �The Advanced Mediterranean Diet: Lose
Weight, Feel Better, Live Longer.� Dr. Parker is also an active
blogger on health, fitness, and nutrition at three blogs. His
challenge was adapting the "heart-healthy" Mediterranean diet to
low-carbing, which, similar to removing gluten from low-carbing, is
not exactly easy, but well worthwhile! His expert advice on these
matters can be found inside "Low-Carbing Among Friends", between
Jennifer & Maria's sections. Dr. Parker blazes a
trail, and shows us how the Paleo and Mediteranean diets (adapted
for Low-Carbing) can vastly improve the health of all of us, and
diabetics in particular.
We are glad to have him as part of
this team! |
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